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Jack The Ripper Musuem


Being the massive fan of True Crime I wanted to visit the Jack The Ripper Musuem for a while. The musuem itself In a property that is over 700 years old located in one of the poorest parts of London where crime over the centuries has been rife.

I do believe it could be haunted as I know a events team do regularly do ghost haunts here but little is documented to who is rumoured to haunt it…

The Museum is split into 6 floors. The 1st floor sets the where where Catherine Eddowes was found in Mitrequare on 30th September 1888.

2nd floor Ripper’s sitting room. A selection of items connected to the possible professions of Jack the Ripper.

3rd floor Police station. Contains original notebook, handcuffs & truncheon from PC Watkins including the whistle he used to call for help when he found Catherine Eddowes mutilated body in Mitre Square. Cast your minds back to when we interviewed Russell Edwards during lockdown, this is the officer who would have found Catherine’s shawl and now this is the property of Russell..

Check out our our interview with Russell below. If you haven’t read his book I fully recommend searching for him online to purchase it!

4th floor Victim’s bedroom. This room is just how the Ripper’s victims would have lived in their day, including original Victorian bonnets.

Basement The Mortuary. The walls have the original autopsy photos from the murders.

There is a Victorian stained glass window taken from the mortuary of St George-in-the-East where the body of Elizabeth Stride was taken.

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